Can a Corn Plant be Cut Back? How to care for Corn.

As you probably noticed, sweet corn plants just aren’t the same as any other regular plant in that they require specific care and, in a lot of ways, you just can’t expect them to be alright with the same treatment you would give your other plants.

In this article, we talk about cutting back corn plant the right way, and how it is different from other plants in your garden.

Can corn plants be pruned?

So can corn plants even be pruned? No, you don´t need to prune your corn plant but you should trim it if it is getting too big for your taste.

Sweet corn plants do not require pruning as like other plants, however, you should trim it if it seems to be getting too big for the space you have allocated to it.

You don’t have to trim a sweet corn plant every year, just every two to three years is enough. If you have the corn plant inside your house, you might need to trim it more often, as it can grow too tall for your house easily.If you want to know how to grow corn properly at home in a container or if you just want some more information about growing corn then you can check out my article right here about growing corn at home and still getting a great harvest!

Can a corn plant be cut back?

Yes, even though, they don’t need to be cut back, if you want to cut them in order to avoid getting gigantic plants, then you obviously can do so.

It’s quite easy to cut a corn plant, you just need to know the tricks. Did you know you can also use the parts of the stalk that you cut out and put them in fresh soil to grow new plants?

This will give you a chance to increase your sweet corn production by getting more new plants easily. The cut bits of stalk can be taken care of just like you would with a new plant – you just water them and roots will grow out of it into the soil in two to four weeks.

Just like that, you will double or triple your sweet corn production!

How to cut a corn plant the right way

To cut your sweet corn plant, grab a knife or garden scissors and cut the stalk right next to a leaf cluster or branch, which will hide the piece of the plant where it was cut.

Try to cut at most half of the stem, no more than that.

After you cut the plant, use a water-soluble fertilizer that is specific for pruned foliage houseplants. The amount of fertilizer mixed with water will depend on the size of your plant. This fertilizer will help your plant grow back faster and thicker.

Each cut will result in the growth of two new stalks where the cut was made, so be careful to cut your sweet corn plant in a way that will make it seem fuller once it grows back.

Plan your cuts to better hide the cut locations with new foliage once the plant grows; this will make your sweet corn plant look a lot better, especially if you keep it inside your house as it can be used as a houseplant.

When to cut your corn plant

Corn plants should be cut in the spring, every two to three years.

Cutting your corn plant at this time of the year assures it will grow back just as strong and that the new bits of stalk, that you may want to plant will grow to be large-sized plants in no time.

You don’t have to prune or trim your sweet corn plant every year as that might just stunt its growth.

Trim your sweet corn plants when they begin to seem too large for your home or if they are throwing shade onto other plants you might have.

Remember, if you don’t wait two years for trimming your corn plant, at least wait until spring as this is the best time of the year for trimming these plants so that they grow healthy.

How can I tell if I should cut back a corn plant?

This might be a little tricky, as you might cut back a corn plant just because you want to keep it a certain height, but you should also know that you should cut back, trim or prune your corn plant if its leaves have gone brown.

If, or when this happens, you should check where the plant leaves are turning brown and how short you need to cut your corn plant to get rid these leaves.

The brown leaves might be a sign of the plant not being watered as often as it should, or maybe just because it has aged and those bits need to be cut back so healthy, fresh new leaves can take their place.

If you are cutting back your corn plant because of brown leaves, remember not to use these bits of stalk to grow new plants as these parts of the plant are old and are not fit for making new plants out of them.

How tall should my corn plant be?

This depends mostly on the place where you’re growing it, so in a way, it’s almost entirely up to you how tall you should let your corn plant grow.

Just remember, when you cut it back, leave at least half of the stalk length or a minimum of three to four inches of stem attached to the stalk.

This should be enough to ensure your plant grows back strong and healthy.

Why is my corn plant growing too quickly?

If, unlike with the example given before with the brown leaves, your plant is growing too tall, too quickly, maybe you should re-evaluate the way you’re caring for it.

Having a plant grow too fast might be just as harmful as having its growth stunted and brown leaves replacing the new ones instead of bright green leaves.

When your plant grows too fast, it might eventually reach a point where its growth stops because the plant is growing in an unbalanced manner and that’s not natural.

Too much growth in a short amount of time might result in a weak, shaky corn plant.

If this is happening, you’re probably watering your corn plant too much, so you should take it easy on the watering and wait a little bit more before you water it next time.

It may also be a case of over fertilizing the soil. So try and cut back on fertilizer as well, just in case.


In short, the answer to the question this article poses is yes, a corn plant can be cut back. However, it should be done in moderation because a corn plant does not need pruning or trimming every year, so be careful.


I enjoy all things outdoors and I love plants! I've never considered myself to be one with a green thumb, but it's my mission to learn, so I figured I would bring you along for the ride. :) Happy planting!

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